The Unwritten Box Rules

Sunday, November 27, 2011 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Be early. If you’re not early, you’re late.
Give yourself enough time to change and loosen up before class starts. Those of you with smaller bladders may also want to reserve some time for a bathroom trip. Most likely that means showing up at least 10 minutes prior to class.
Check your ego at the door.
Somewhere a high school kid is warming up with your PR. Remember there is always someone bigger, faster and stronger than you.

Clean up. Put away your toys.
Clean up your sweat, blood and puke. We wish we didn’t have to say this, but don’t spit on our floor, EVER. Pick up your used tape, pens, notebooks, scrap papers, chalk, band-aids, water bottles and sweaty clothes. Chalk is available for use but will tear and rip your hands. Use sparingly and clean up after yourself. Pack it in, pack it out, as they say. Put all the equipment you used back where it belongs. Stack the boxes neatly, put the bars in the racks, stack the plates in order, hang up your jump ropes.

Respect our equipment. Drop as a last resort.
Put things down gently. Dropping weight should be a necessity, not a convenience. Bumpers are designed for emergency dropping, not dropping every repetition.

Try hard. Effort earns respect.
Work hard. Don’t drag people down with a bad attitude. Be optimistic, have fun and push yourself and those around you to do better. NEVER SAY I CAN’T! Bad attitudes are very contagious. Remember, “It’s a Great Day to be Great!”

Don’t cheat. No one cares what your score was. Everyone cares if you cheated.
Be honest with everyone else, and be honest with yourself. You know what full range of motion is, so there’s no excuse for shoddy reps. If someone calls you out for doing something wrong, listen to them. The person standing around watching you work out has a much better perspective on what you’re doing than you do. They’re breathing gently and probably experiencing a restful glow and a sub-60 heart rate. You’re halfway through Fran. You’re biased, trust us.

Learn how to count.
If you lose count, the next number is always 1. If you know you have trouble keeping count, ask someone to count for you.

We consider ourselves a family and thus are not politically correct. We are here to have fun and engage ourselves with other members of our family. We laugh, cuss, fart, yell, scream, grunt, and look funny doing it all at the same time. You will too.

CrossFit boxes as a rule are not that big on formality. Cussing? My delicate sensibilities can handle it. Grunts, groans, screaming? Hey, whatever gets you through the WOD. Blood, sweat, tears? As long as it’s not the 70s band, yeah, no worries. Short shorts, long shorts? Whatever floats your boat. Chalk? My life is covered in it. Knock yerself out!
 However, ahem, there are a few points of etiquette that should be covered. Good sportsmanship, support, and respect. That’s it. That is what we demand at CF Iota. Well, that and blood, sweat, and tears…but you can keep your firstborn. Seriously though, all three points go hand in hand and are pretty much a no brainer.

Maintain good sportsmanship at all times. Don’t whine about the WOD being hard. I know it’s hard, We programmed it to be that way. Everyone else knows it’s hard, they are doing it. Do not get overly upset if you don’t make a lift. Do not angrily slam the bar to the ground, kick or hit it or any other equipment. Do not pout or sulk or walk around cursing. There are legions of people out there that would practically kill for the ability to attempt the lift that you are crying about. Don’t argue with a coach over form or ROM. Just do the rep again and shut up. First off, the coach is right; secondly, it’s only going to make you stronger; and besides, it’s only a workout anyway. And never ever complain about the record board. That is about as crass as it gets.
Respect. A CrossFit box is a temple. It is a place where lives are literally changed. Treat it as such. No, you don’t have to whisper or light a candle or get down on your knees (you’ll be flat on your back soon, though). But, have some respect. Clean up after yourself and don’t leave your stuff lying around.  Throw away your scratch paper. Clean your blood off the bar and your sweat off the floor. You know, respect.
Support. Hey... listen up, just because it’s last doesn’t mean it’s least. You don’t have rivals here... you have teammates. You don’t have competitors... you have people who push you to do more, go faster, be better. Support them. Don’t just talk about yourself and your numbers, ask them how they are, what big lifts they have done recently, how is their training going. If you are done with your workout, run with someone on their last leg, gather around and cheer them on their last rep. Slap hands and pat shoulders, telling people what a great job they did, and mean it. If you see someone new, be friendly, introduce yourself, don’t be a hifalutin rock star. I remember when everyone at CF Iota first started and no one was hot sh#!  in the beginning. Try to remember how you felt at your first class. Absolutely be stoked about your progress and scores, but be stoked about everyone else’s too. If you are just hanging out, help out, never be too cool for school. Support. We are a community, Ladies... a pretty great one!  And that is thanks to all of you.