7 Fundamentals to A Lean and Healthy Body

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Details matter…everything you do either helps or hurts.  Too much attention to what is new or cutting edge in supplements is too much information and is distracting to what is most important, the fundamentals. 
I came across this article a couple of years ago and it had a big impact on the way I look at a lot of things;
The year when Coach Vince Lombardi took over the Green Bay Packers, He was asked by a reporter “What are you going to do to turn the team around?  Are you going to get new play books?  Are you going to get new plays> Are you going to get new players? Are you going to get new coaches? What are you going to do different?”  And he said “We are NOT going to do anything different.  We are going to be brilliant on the basics.  We will be so good that even if the other team knows what we are going to do…but we are going to be so good at the fundamentals there not going to be able to stop us.  You’ve heard of the 80/20 rule.  It basically sums up what Lombardi said.  80% of your results comes from 20% of your actions.   
Here are 7 Fundamentals to a lean and healthy body. 
1.     Calorie Balance- You need to burn more calories than you consume to lose fat. Do you have to count calories t lose weight?  N0 you don’t… but if your goal is to lose bodyfat, you have to burn more calories than you eat…  So why wouldn’t you want to count?   Even too much of good food will make you gain weight so keep your portions small.
2.      Eat small frequent meals.  Nibble and don’t gorge.  Spread your calories out into approx. 5 meals (or 3 meals and 2 snacks) every 3 hours or so.
3.       Balance your foods.  Don’t cut out any particular food completely and don’t over eat one particular food.  Have a lean protein and a complex carb with every meal so you diet is in balance.
4.       Eat natural foods.  If man made it…eat it sparingly.  Try to eat natural at least 80 % of the time.
5.       Supplements.  Supplements are not a must have.  They are insurance for your body to make sure it’s getting all it needs.  Use them if you feel it necessary. 
6.      Keep a food journal.  This is a must!  Your meals have to be on paper…crunching numbers for at least a week to see where you are at.  I promise, it will educate you on what and how you fuel your body.
7.     Results.  Get your feedback and take action.  If you get the results you wanted, keep doing the exact same thing… if you didn’t get the results you want, change your approach, review your food journal and make changes.