CrossFit Mantra- Words of Encouragement

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Stacey Baker 2 Comments



Keeping Your New Years Resolutions Alive

Monday, January 30, 2012 Stacey Baker 5 Comments

Whether you stumbled on this page as a new comer interested in how Crossfit can help you achieve your fitness goals, or you're a longtime Crossfit Iota member, there's no denying the excitement that comes with the New Year. It's 2012 and many of you have resolutions of getting fit, losing weight, eating better, or upping your athletic performance. YES! It's January, and you're pumped to start creating the 'new and better' you!

In January, the self-motivation to achieve one's New Year resolution is often enough to stay on track for the entire month. February is where things start to get a little hairy. The new habits, new foods, and new life changes that seemed so interesting and exciting in January can start to be... well... less exciting, and require more of an internal motivational push. It's at this juncture where people find it difficult not to slip back into the habits of the 'old and comfortable' versus the 'new and better'.

Everyone agrees that change and maintaining motivation can be rough. That's why so many times resolutions that seem awesome in January fall to the wayside by February. We want you to succeed in nailing that New Year's resolution and you don't have to go it alone! Crossfit Iota wants YOU to be the BEST YOU that you know you can be.

Here are a few tried and true methods for making your resolutions stick:
  • "Better Than Yesterday" - Break your resolution down into small manageable chunks. Instead of focusing on your ultimate goal of wanting to lose 20 pounds, becoming the best Crossfit competitor ever, or deadlifting 3 times your body weight, divide your total resolution into a grouping of small successes. Haven't tried Crossfit but want to get fit? Your first goal should be to just show up! Bam! Easy success! Want to lose 20 pounds? Aim for 1-2 pounds a month through clean eating. Want to be the best Crossfit competitor ever? First shoot for making it to the gym at least 4 times a week and hitting a few small competitions. We all want big changes quickly, but often give up when we don't see those changes immediately. As they say, "Nothing good comes easy". Focus on being a little bit better every single day, rather than trying to be amazing in less than an hour.
  • "Shout it from the Rooftops!" - Tell your coach, tell your friends, or even tell a stranger at CrossFit what you're hoping to achieve! We want you to be awesome, but we can't help you get there unless we know what you're trying to accomplish. Write it on the white board, put it on your blog, post it on facebook, stick a picture on your fridge. You're less likely to quit on your goal if you know you have other people in your corner supporting your endeavors.
  • "Just Show Up OR Dead Last Finish > Did Not Finish > Did Not Show Up" - It can be hard and scary being a new comer to a gym. It can be hard and scary trying workouts that you've never done before, or doing a workout for the first time 'prescribed'. Some days, it's just plain hard to get your butt off the couch! Whether you're starting out lifting 5 pounds, or a longtime member lifting 245 pounds, the beauty of Crossfit is that EVERYONE, no matter their fitness level, thinks it's hard and that the workouts can be scary! You're not alone! The awesome and fun part - by showing up, you're conquering your fear (or your laziness) and you're proving to youweight and work on form? Great - you're still doing work! Maybe you did the workout, but you came in dead last. YOU SHOWED UP, YOU DID THE WORK, AND THAT IS AWESOME! Remember, taking even the smallest baby step toward being a better you accomplishes more than giving up and standing still.
  • "You Effed Up. So What?" - You fell off the Paleo wagon, you ate too many slices of pizza, or you didn't come into the gym for a week and watched tv instead. So what? Your mistakes do not define you - it's how you proceed afterward that does. A few slip-ups do not destroy a resolution or a goal. Reflect. Note what you could do so you don't eff up again. Dust off your gym shoes, fill the fridge with veggies, and keep making those baby steps forward dang it.
  • "Surround yourself with awesome, and you will be!" - Empower yourself by hanging out with positive people who support your goals and lifestyle changes. Remember, everyone at Crossfit Iota is there to be 'better', but no one goes it alone. You put in the work, and we'll support you every single step of the way. rself that you're capable of achieving more than you imagined. Plus you get to do it surrounded by others who feel the same! Everyone gets cheered, and all get respect and support for being brave enough to show up and try their best. Instead of focusing on how scared you are, or how you don't want to do a workout, focus on JUST SHOWING UP. Walking into the gym is a success. Next hurdle - try the workout. Make modifications if needed. The workout is too rough and you have to stop? At least you showed up and tried. Success. 
  Looking forward to helping you achieve everything you dream possible in 2012!


Athlete Profile – Lisa Perkins

Sunday, January 29, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments


Tell us about yourself…. My name is Lisa Perkins and I live in Newton. I was raised in Northwest Montana and went to school at Montana State University and received my Nursing degree and moved to Utah in 1995. I have been married for almost 15 years to my husband Mark and we have 2 beautiful girls, Samantha (13) and Sophie (10 ½).
What is your day job? I work as a Public Health Nurse full time at the Bear River Health Department and can honestly say, I love my job!
How were you introduced to CrossFit? I was introduced to CrossFit by Raelyn Rigby. She always talked about how much she loved it and so finally one day, she talked me into coming and trying it and I was hooked!
What is your favorite WOD or Lift? I don’t know if I really have a favorite WOD, but I really like the TABATA’s.
What is your favorite skill/movement that you have learned at CrossFit IoTA? Anything with the bar and weights…I never thought I would be one of those women using a bar with weight and it gives me a lot of satisfaction to see my progress with weight from when I first started until now.
How has CrossFit changed your life? Every year, I was one of those people that set a New Year’s Goal to start exercising and I never stuck with anything and then I tried CrossFit and I am addicted. I love the confidence it gives me and how it makes me feel. I can’t live without it…
What keeps you motivated and coming back for more? I get up every morning 5 days a week at 4:30AM to come. I love the 5:15 am class…they rock. We are one big happy family and it feels like one big team and everyone supports you and encourages you to do your best. I also love that I am finally starting to see the difference and losing some inches.
What’s something you know now that you wish someone would have said to you when you started CrossFit? To not make it a competition with anyone…you are an individual and pace yourself and do what feels right and go at the pace that feels comfortable AND I did not realize how much what you put in your mouth effects you at CrossFit.
One word to describe me would be… Outgoing
I have always wanted… to travel to other countries, especially England, Scotland and Ireland.
Outside of the gym, I like to… be with friends and family, travel and be in the beautiful outdoors.
Three things you would always find in my fridge… milk, cheese and lunchmeat
Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me… I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis). I was diagnosed with it in 2005.
Favorite physical activity outside of CFI… I love to take walks or bike rides with my family.
Favorite place to eat in Cache Valley … Café Rio
Song(s) that gets me pumped up for a workout… Most anything that Paul plays, but my favorite is 80’s.
The last thing I ate was… Cutie, cheese stick and 3 almonds…
My proudest accomplishment is… my family and that I have consistently worked out and done CrossFit for an entire year.
My six month goal is… to continue eating healthy and try increasing weight and hopefully start to see more definition.
My favorite workout attire is… Capri Leggings and a tank top
My favorite workout partner(s)… is Carol and I love that Leona and Denice have joined us in the 5:15AM class and if I ever make it to the 8:00 AM class, Raelyn.
If you created a WOD and named it after yourself what would the workout be? Something with rowing, sit-ups, push-ups and squats


Move More, Eat Less?

Saturday, January 28, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

This clip is funny....but SO true....and it sums up weightloss perfectly!


Sound Advice

Saturday, January 28, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

I got some great advice today....
"Don't care so much about the clock and focus on making your movements perfect. 
 Keep working out with consistency.  
 We all have good and bad days and what we do with the bad days can make us better."
Thanks Coach Paul


The Shoes Make The Girl

Thursday, January 26, 2012 Stacey Baker 4 Comments

As a kid I remember the thrill of getting a new pair of shoes. 
 I just knew they would make me run faster.
Reebok has created the first CrossFit shoe with design input by the top CrossFit athletes. From the weight, flexibility and overall design the Official Reebok CrossFit shoe line has landed!
And I got me some!!!!! Can't wait to try out my new shoes....
I'm pretty sure they will make me faster!  :0)


Crossfit Iota Girls taking on GRACE

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

I'm a little slow getting this posted.  I just want to share with
 you a couple of amazing women at our box.  They are doing GRACE,
  30 -clean and jerk at (Rx 135 / 95#)



I've Got To Hand It To You

Monday, January 23, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.
– Denis Waitley

These are my first callous that have torn.  I was so Proud!  And so sore.  During the last comp, I was helping people tape up their hands...not really knowing what I was doing.  Hopefully this will give you some insight on how to take care of your hands.

How To Tape Your Hands
Written by Calvin Sun
Every CrossFitter has experienced a torn callus but I think it’s completely avoidable if you take the proper precautions. Perform callus maintenance regularly, don’t use too much chalk, and avoid workouts with hundreds of pull-ups. But what’s a CrossFit athlete to do when the inevitable tear happens? Taping your hands is certainly a good option. The problem I see is that most people have no clue on how to tape their hands. The most common “technique” I see employed is simply taking a length of athletic tape and wrapping it around the palm several times. Without a doubt, this is the best way to waste athletic tape and do absolutely nothing to protect your hands. Anyone who has taped with this method can tell you, a few pull-ups is all it takes to turn this shoddy tape job into a rolled up bundle of tape, chalk, and skin.
Most tears occur at the base of either the ring finger or middle finger, so it’s pointless to tape your palm. The best way to protect your hands and to prevent tears is to cover these hot spots. A former co-worker of mine was a gymnastics instructor and a few years ago she showed me this great way to tape the hands:

All you need is a roll of 1.5″ Athletic Tape and a pair of scissors.
1. Take a long strip of tape about 15 or 16 inches long. It depends on the size of your hands. Experiment until you find the correct length. Do not be stingy with the tape because if you make them too short, they will not work. Start long and eventually you will be able to eyeball the exact length.
First Strip
2. Fold this tape strip length-wise leaving about an eighth of an inch of the sticky side exposed. Having some of the sticky side exposed is necessary for the next step.
folded strip
3. Take your tape strip and fold it over on itself leaving a little pointed end. The exposed sticky sides should hold it together.
Second fold
4. Take another long strip of tape about 13 or 14 inches long. This should be about 2 inches shorter than the first strip.
5. Fold this new strip over the previous strip. This extra strip acts as reinforcement and keeps the original strip from splitting in half. Try to cover as much of the first strip as you can right up to the little pointy bit.
6. This is your tape grip. You will want to practice making several of these. Keep the good ones in a zip-lock baggy in your gym bag. They will come in handy.
tape grip
7. Using your scissors cut just enough of a hole in the top to put your finger snuggly through the little pointy bit. Put the appropriate finger through the hole so that grip covers your torn callus. Usually placing the grip over your middle or ring finger works best. Depending on how bad your hand is, you might need to use two or more on the same hand.
8. The end of the grip should come down over the palm to your wrist. Take a third strip of tape and secure the end of the grip to your wrist with a few wraps around the wrist. Do not wrap it so tight that it cuts off your circulation.
There you have it. Pretty simple really. I hope you find this helpful. Now go do some pull-ups!


Sunday, January 22, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

I'm just sayin'.....


Athlete Profile – Julie Smith

Saturday, January 21, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments


Tell us about yourself… I grew up in the Air Force, so the only place I’ve lived the longest is in Smithfield, married to Steve. I have 2 loud kids, that fill my days with noise, but I love it.
What’s your day job? I’m a stay at home Mom for 3 1/2 months now! Kids are still alive, so I must be doing something right. And I sell Tupperware too.

How where you introduced to CrossFit? Steve had been doing it in Logan, and when I heard Paul had opened one in Smithfield, I thought I would give it a try. We didn’t let Steve in on the secret for a month though!
What is your favorite WOD or Lift? I love Push Presses and have a secret love-hate relationship with burpees.
What is the favorite skill/movement that you have learned at CrossFit IoTA? I am almost in love with pull ups, but only because I can do them without a band. FINALLY!
How has CrossFit changed your life? I’ve never been this strong. I can blow a volleyball serve out the back now on the first try! That never happened when I was coaching or playing, at least not in the beginning of the season. It’s also nice to feel like I could kick somebody’s but if they tried messing with me. LOL
What keeps you motivated and coming back for more? Seeing the number go up on the weights, and down on the scale. Did I say scale? I mean the gravity calculator, not supposed to use a scale, not supposed to use a scale…
What’s something you know now that you wish someone would have said to you when you started CrossFit? Well, I’m pretty sure someone said it to me, but I can’t recall, but drinking more water and less pop will increase your energy and loosen your belt…huh, silly, don’t you think?
One word to describe me would be… My husband would say anal, but I would say, precise, in a demanding way.
I have always wanted… to go fly in a helicopter, and hang glide, but too afraid of heights to go through with the latter, will definitely get in a helicopter if the chance arises.
Outside of the gym, I like to… play volleyball, craft, play with my kids and leave the house messy (but too anal to do that very much), go on date with the hubby
Three things you would always find in my fridge… Eggs, milk, and apple juice (for the kids, obviously…)
Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me… I was conceived in the Philippines, but born in California. My oldest brother wouldn’t hold me for a month after I was born, because he thought I should have been a brown baby.
Favorite physical activity outside of CFI… Definitely volleyball, anyone want to form a team for the spring league?
Favorite place to eat in Cache Valley… Olive Garden
Songs that get me pumped for a workout… Nickelback, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, and Nickelback. Too many songs to name…and MOST of the stuff that Paul plays..did I mention Nickelback?
The last thing I ate was… Cashew Chicken lettuce cups….yum, yum!
My proudest accomplishment is… Double Unders and Pull ups, must mention the pull ups.
My six month goal is… 3 more inches off my waist, string the pull ups together, and a lot more weight on the bar, no matter what we are doing.
My favorite workout attire is… Workout T’s and long shorts, with rockin pink socks!
My favorite workout partner(s)… All of the girls in the “mommy” class @9:15. Thanks for taking me in!
If you created a WOD and named it after yourself what would the workout be?
“The Jules”
20 min amrap
25 situps with 30lb/20lb med ball
10 Burpees (gosh I hate those burpees!) :)
25 Double Unders



Friday, January 20, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

"DodgeBall" was on tv the other night,  I had to laugh at the Globo Gym. 
 SO grateful for Crossfit and everything it DOES and DOES NOT represent.

~ And with our competitively priced on-site cosmetic surgery, we can turn that Frankenstein you see in the mirror every morning into a Franken "Fine".~
send an e card White Goodman

Le'ts be real here.  If you want a strong healthy beautiful you.....
Do the work
Eat the right food

Or there is the other option...

What do you choose?


Outside the Games Bubble

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

This is an article worth passing on

 (...this is not edited so I apologize ahead of time)


Outside the Games Bubble

By Emily Beers on 08.04.11
Some people don’t do CrossFit, and Emily Beers discovers what they think of us and our antics.
The path to becoming a CrossFitter looks similar to most of us. We rapidly get fitter, stronger, faster. We cut out gluten and sugar (although I’m still working on eliminating Skittles from my diet). We suddenly have more energy. We become addicted to personal bests.
Soon, we find that most of our friends are CrossFitters.
We start dating a CrossFitter. We even develop a sort of CrossFit humor and jokes that make only CrossFitters laugh.
And sometimes we forget that our CrossFit bubble is just that: a world in a bubble. With $1,000,000 up for grabs this weekend and ESPN broadcasters on site, it often feels like CrossFit is officially mainstream. But there’s still a big world out there, and it’s full of people who haven’t heard of a thruster.
Never does this become more obvious than when you saturate one city with hundreds of CrossFit athletes, like this weekend in L.A.
From cab drivers, to waitresses, to bystanders on the street, people have noticed our group of tanned, ripped, spandex-wearing athletes, and they want to know more about us.
“What sport are y’all here for? Cross what? What’s that?” I’ve been asked countless times.
I’d like to share a few moments I’ve had this week with regular people, people who, when surrounded by CrossFitters, become confused and bewildered by our behavior.
The Heavy Whipping Cream Confusion
Setting: A coffee shop near my hotel, which is currently flooded with Reebok-wearing athletes.
I order an Americano and ask for heavy cream to top it off.
The barista, a plump woman who was just as wide as she was tall, says, “OK, that’s enough. I have to ask. What is with all you fit-looking people drinking this high-fat, heavy whipping cream in your coffee? There have been so many of you here this week asking for this high-fat cream. I would think you would ask for skim milk or soy milk. How y’all remain so fit?”
I didn’t want to get into a nutrition talk with this woman. There was a line, I was in a rush, and I am in no way a poster girl for the 100 percent Paleo lifestyle, so I came up with a quick answer.
“Fat doesn’t make you fat. I ate bacon for breakfast this morning, too,” I said.
“So you’re telling me I should start eating bacon and I can look like you?” asked the woman, an excited sparkle in her eye, clearly visualizing the bacon she was going to fry up as soon as her shift was over.
I got the distinct feeling I may have set this woman off on the wrong track and immediately regretted my careless bacon promotion.
The Leftover Bagel Mystery
The hotel I’m staying at serves a continental breakfast in the morning. When they were told a group of athletes was coming, they upped their bagel quota.
“Usually when we know sports teams are coming, we know athletes like their bagels. We always seem to run out when the football teams stay here,” said one of the hotel employees.
Oddly enough, this weekend bagels are going stale.
“Y’all are more into the sausages,” laughed the same hotel employee, shaking her head in what looked like confused disgust. “We’ll remember that for next year — CrossFitters like sausages.”
Shoes With No Support
Setting: Albertson’s grocery store. I was wearing a pair of barefoot shoes when a fellow shopper stopped me to ask about them.
“I keep seeing people in here with those CrossFit shirts with the numbers on them and those shoes ... what kind of shoes are those?” asked the intrigued shopper.
“They’re a barefoot shoe,” I said.
“Are they more supportive than regular sneakers?” he asked.
“No, there isn’t any support in them,” I tried to explain. “It allows you to feel your feet a little better when you move, so it sort of forces you to walk and run more correctly,” I said.
“No support? So you don’t put no orthotics in those?” he asked. “You CrossFit people have some different ideas.”
Pitching a Tent
Setting: Just outside the Stadium
While it seems like 90 percent of the spectators at the Home Depot Center are CrossFit athletes themselves, I came across at least a pair of local males watching the event who were obviously new to the sport.
One young man says to his friend, “I can’t believe how hot those girls are out there. I didn’t even know which one to look at.”
His friend replies, “Seriously. I’ve been pitching a tent in the stands all day. I couldn’t even get up to go to the bathroom.”
Friend replies, “No shit, dude. I’ve never seen hotter asses in my life. We should start this CrossFit shit.”
Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we have two new recruits to our sport.
This is the third in a four-part series. Emily Beers competed on CrossFit Vancouver’s Affiliate Cup team and wrote from ground level throughout the competition.



Monday, January 16, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments


Challenges and Changes

Sunday, January 15, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

All of us are dealing something.  Everyone of us is coping with challenges, wether it's personal, physical, mental,  or maybe it's simple.  This is just a fact of life.  When you walk through that door at crossfit, you are moving past all challenges and becoming a better you.  You rise above the chaos and give 110%.  In the 30-45 min you are working out, you are becoming stronger in every way. 
 For me personally, crossfit has changed my life for the better.  Now as a coach, I appreciate the opportunity I have to experience this change in others.  Maybe it's a first pull up or 3 dbl unders in a row or kipping toes to bar, or maybe just getting your squat parallell to the ground.  It's the cheesy grin, the Woot-Woot yelled out loud, the "I idid it" in their eyes....that is what it's all about.  Thank you for showing me what greatness is.  YOU ARE AMAZING!
So keep up all your hard work...I'll be watching!


I love the way we women think!

Thursday, January 12, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments


Sugar and spice and everything nice....

Thursday, January 12, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Love this nursery crossfit rhyme I came across...



Wednesday, January 11, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Coach Paul....Can we weigh in like this?


Way too funny, but true!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments



Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Pinned Image
Scroll to Top logs are due Friday


Top Ten Ways to Make the Zone Easier to Follow

Monday, January 09, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments


  1. Make blocks in advance - Buy cheese, chicken, etc. and measure into 1, 2, 3 or 4 block servings to put in the fridge - this makes putting meals and snacks together on the fly much easier
  2. The freezer is your friend - Buy steak, chicken and fish in bulk and keep them on hand
  3. Cook enough for leftovers - Can you say BIG pot of my Turkey Chili? The meal that keeps on giving!
  4. Feeling Dazed and Hungry? Too much carbo at the last meal - readjust and try it again
  5. Feeling Alert and Hungry? Too much protein at your last meal - readjust and try it again
  6. Drink lots of Water - You'll find this one in a few of the Top Ten lists because if you don't stay hydrated you'll have headaches and constipation - yuck!
  7. Take soda and juice out of your diet - These are two of the biggest culprits in the "lowfat" (get-fat) world we live in, but cut these out and you're on your way
  8. "Pseudo-Count" P&C and let the Fat measure itself - If you're not comfortable counting blocks right away, ease into it by having roughly equal blocks of P&C with a few nuts or a little olive oil; this worked wonders for alot of people
  9. Keep a Zone Bar with You - For emergencies I recommend Balance Bars, but there are also PR Bars, ZonePerfect Bars and a few others
  10. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Stress is NOT one of the goals of zoning, so don't go crazy stressing over everything


Tomorrows Kick-Off WOD

Thursday, January 05, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments's time to put your Big Girl panties on and get to work... 
 It's time to kick off the Throw-Away-The-Scale-Challenge with

50 Box jump, (24'/ 20")
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, (53#/ 35#)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, (20#/ 14#)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
For time, any takers?

Good Luck To everyone!


CROSSFIT: The Six Degrees of Soreness

Wednesday, January 04, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

As you all know by now, I love things that make fun of me/us/CrossFitters because... for the most part... we are a little bit over the top.
I was thinking about that and feeling sore while getting dressed this morning and this just popped into my head:
A new subjective  "SOCK"  scale for CrossFit-caused soreness
  1. You can put your socks on while standing up; balance and range of motion (ROM) are not a problem
  2. You attempt to put your socks on standing up, but lose your balance and have to sit down to do it
  3. You slowly and gently sit down because it isn’t happening otherwise
  4. You lie down and slowly pull your foot close enough to get your socks on
  5. “Honey, will you please put my socks on for me?”
  6. You don’t put your socks on because you can’t get out of bed anyway
So there it is. I’m a 1-2 today.


Tuesday, January 03, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

It's time to get your pic taken for.......

All you have to do is smile and say CHEESE!

...FIT is not a destination,
 it's a way of life... 


Fear As I Know It

Sunday, January 01, 2012 Stacey Baker 2 Comments

Let me tell you about my most recent crossfit competition experience.
I am an amatuer Crossfitter.  For the most part when I am training at the box, I perform extremely
 well.  However, when I am at a competition, I absoluotely fall apart.  I become so nervous and full
 of anxiety that I cannot focus and use the skills I have learned and practiced.  I become so full of
self doubt and worry that I forget everything from using good form to breathing right.  In the back of
 my mind I believe that I am a loser and I don't deserve to be with there, even though I love this sport.
  I want to be more competitive....whats up with this?  How do I take my practice game to a competition?
After watching  the crossfitters perform I began to realize there are athletes that are motivated to acheive success, and then there are those, like me, who are motivated by fear of failure or embarrassment. Based on how I performed this weekend, I believe I was worried about failing and I had anxiety about not performing well.  I woory about what I believe are evryones expectations of me.  I wanted to avoid all focus on me.  I got SO stuck on not blowing it that I was paralyzed by fear, tension and doubt.
SO what did I do?  I quit the last WOD.  Can you believe it?  I am so embarrassed to admit it.  I wasn't injured.  I just tanked-out!  So after a long cry in a hot shower I sat down and did a little soul searching.
What am I lacking?  hmm.....
1.  Workout consistently.  Since I started coaching at Iota, I have let my training slip by the side.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE coaching at the box! That being said, I need to extra effort to make time for me to WOD.  I foolishly thought I could do this past competition using the skills I had learned (but not practiced). doesn'twork that way.  
2. Set positive goals for upcoming events.  I need to set positive goals that will help me focus on what I  want to acheive instead of instead of worrying what will go wrong.  I then need to get toatally involved with meeting the challenge of those goals.  I need to work on my endurance to push me through the wods.  For me this means no more stopping every 10 wallballs...I need to keep going until the ball just won't go up.
3.Walk through the WOD and visually go though it over and over again.  I need to feel confident in all the movements, so I don't worry about doing something wrong.  So..if I have to jump on a shorter box to get the movement right, so be it!
4.Have a plan.  I have seen the girls that compete sit and strategize how to dot each wod, making the most of their time and energy.  Heck! I know how to do that... I do that on tabatas!  I need to utilize my strengths to compensate for my weaknesses.
5.Cut off the doubt fast.  The doubt is ruining my confience and making me focus on what NOT to do.  I need to recognize the doubt, cut it off and refocus on a positive statement that will help me perform- you know, a positive affirmation.  Instead of doubing that I might fall on the box jump, I need to tell myself that I will NAIL it!  and visualize mself doing so.
 Hmmmm....whats a good mantra...hmmm...that's's my favorite quote...