Thank You CrossFIt DAY 1
With 2012 coming to a close, look back on the past year with gratitude. I have been crossfitting for a few years now and I am just starting to realize that there is still so much for me to learn and so much ground to still cover. Each day, for the remainder of the year, I will post somtthing that I love about Crossfit...the things that keep me coming back. In doing this, I am excited and look forward to the possibilities of the new year. That being said....
DAY 1....I am a fighter. After learning to fight through and finish a wod, I find myself using that same will to "make it" when I fighting through a tough day. When I need that little bit of inspiration to POWER through a tough day, I am reminded of shrugging my shoulders and exploding through my hips on a heavy power clean. I can do this, it's in me and I just need to let it out.