A Time to Grow...

Thursday, September 06, 2012 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

I think sometimes I, being crossfitter, get caught in PR's( personal recors, fastest times, biggest lifts, etc), and reaching goals. This isn't a bad thing. But it seems like the previous failures and the effort it requires to OVERCOME those failures is often forgotten.
Do I remember how many times I tried to get myr chin over that bar but could'nt?
Do I remember how long it took to overcome that knee injury?
Do I  remember how much FRAN hurt? Ok, bad example...Fran hurts everyone.
Okay..now ask me if I remember my best "300"....Um YA I do!  I remember the time, the place and I remember thinking "Oh my gosh...I just nailed it!" WOOT WOOT! 
We are programmed to think this way...that's what makes crossfit so great!  But at the end of the day, I have to realize when the chips are down, and failure is immenent, this is the time to grow.
So use this for the base of your next PR.
Do NOT give up, 
 Do NOT back down.