Monday, May 09, 2011 Stacey Baker 1 Comments

I'd like you to meet my friend Nancy.   Her body has made some pretty dramatic changes in the past 11 months.  She has her good and her bad days... worrying because that darn scale just won't budge.  She has been doing CrossFit along with a Zone style diet. As you can see for yourself the changes have been amazing!  Here's the kicker.....you ready for this....She actually weighs 7lbs MORE in the 3rd pic!   Hard to believe?  She thought so too.  
What's most important is your ideal body composition (the fat to muscle ratio), NOT BODY WEIGHT.  I'm not telling you to throw away your scale.  Your bodyweight can provide you with valuable feedback on your current condition and your progress, as long as you take into to account your body compostion at the same time.  As Crossfitters, you need to take in account your lean muscle as part of your weight.  SO... if your scale doesn't seem to be budging...this is what you do.  Measure your neck, upper arms, smallest part of waist, around belly button, hips, thighs, above the knee.  Once a month, retake the measurements.  Calipers are also a great way to track bodyfat.  And there is nothing more motivating than to see those numbers drop.  I also suggest taking a before and after pic like Nancy.  Sometime it's hard to see the changes becasue they are so suttle...that's why the photos help you see the changes.  I still have my "before " pic that I have never shown anyone...but when I get feeling discouraged or frustrated with myself, I pull it out and I can see just how far I've come.  And I know that I can accomplish anything.
So KUDOS to you Nancy!  So proud of you for your hard work and dedication on your journey to becoming the BEST you!

1 comment :

  1. Amazing!! Congrats to Nancy, you look fantastic. Stacey, I just wanted to say thank you for your words of encouragement at the box the other day. They were much needed and very appreciated. You really are an inspiration to me and many many people.
