Oct 14, 2010 WOD

Thursday, October 14, 2010 Stacey Baker 0 Comments

Michelle and I....Killing theWOD!

12 Min. AMRAP

ROund 1  200 meter run / 10 KB swing #35
ROund 2 200 meter run / 10 wallbals  #14

7 + run

Today was a good workout.  IT wasn't hard but it sure took alot of endurance to keep running.  You would think being built so close to the ground, I could run better...NOT!   Anyways.... I think thats why I liked today.  I was able to push myself harder than I do on the longer runs.  I can definitely tell Sam loves to run and she's good at it.  I was impressed how well she keeps up her pace.  By the way...she totally kicked it today!